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united colors of capital


In Argentina, according to statistics, 15,000 people have housing problems, 1,250 landowners own 62 million hectares. the Bennetton group is the largest landowner in Argentina. 900 thousand hectares in Neuquen, Chubut, Rio Negro and Santa Cruz. Since 1991, different provincial governments have allowed them the uncontrollable exploitation of streams and rivers, which caused very serious problems in the ecosystem and a lack of water for the populations. The Bennetton's usurped this land historically claimed by the Mapuche people. That was when the repression of the Gerdameria took place, which ended with the disappearance and death of Santiago Maldonado in 2017.since the genocium of Santiago and I decided to start creating these paintings that are based on the irony of Bennetton's modern capitalism: on the one hand they all wear their colorful clothes with the most beautiful campaigns to save the world and inspired by landscapes that they themselves stole; and at the same time they take advantage of third world countries to continue exploiting them.

ironically, the benethon company for years has used peace slogans and other ironies at the same time that it exploits and colonizes indigenous lands. my work is based on advertisements that the company uses; In this way, it can be seen that the elements they use to promote their products are intrinsically related to the devastating capitalist ideology. They use images of goats and pastoral landscapes, when they are absolutely responsible for the destruction of these natural paradises and for evicting the true owners of the land: the Mapuches.

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